Great Yorkshire Showdown Photos

Some great photos on Facebook from the Great Yorkshire Showdown that we took part in recently! Wakey Wheeled Cats V Furness Firecrackers by Jason Garnett Leeds Roller Derby VS Wakey Wheeled Cats and Wakey Wheeled Cats VS Furness Firecrackers by Real TIme Events Great Yorkshire Showdown Part One and GYSD Part 2 by Jason Ruffell at Roller Derby On Film   

Our First 2018 Champs Game will be Live Streamed

British Championships season starts again this week for the Cats! After a triumphant 2017 season where we gained Silver in Tier 4, we are now ready to take on Tier 3 with our first game against neighbours Hallam Hellcats Roller Derby! This will be a closed door game because our venue has no spectator space, but never fear […]

Right Hook Brooke

Right Hook Brooke on the NHS Wellbeing Blog

“I’ve made some solid gold friends through the roller derby community and without the sport we’d never have met!” Right Hook Brooke, who skates for our A-team, has been featured on the NHS Digital #mywellbeing #physicalhealth blog recently, talking about why she loves Roller Derby and the physical and mental health benefits it brings her. ?? You can read […]